The Kubernetes project maintains release branches for the most recent three minor releases (1.29, 1.28, 1.27). Kubernetes 1.19 and newer receive approximately 1 year of patch support. Kubernetes 1.18 and older received approximately 9 months of patch support.

Kubernetes versions are expressed as x.y.z, where x is the major version, y is the minor version, and z is the patch version, following Semantic Versioning terminology.

More information in the version skew policy document.

Release History


Latest Release:1.29.0 (released: )
End of Life:
Patch Releases: 1.29.0

Complete 1.29 Schedule and Changelog


Latest Release:1.28.5 (released: )
End of Life:
Patch Releases: 1.28.0, 1.28.1, 1.28.2, 1.28.3, 1.28.4, 1.28.5

Complete 1.28 Schedule and Changelog


Latest Release:1.27.9 (released: )
End of Life:

Complete 1.27 Schedule and Changelog


Latest Release:1.26.12 (released: )
End of Life:

Complete 1.26 Schedule and Changelog

Upcoming Release

Check out the schedule for the upcoming 1.30 Kubernetes release!

Helpful Resources

Last modified September 02, 2023 at 1:31 AM PST: Refine layout to add menu of links under releases (da673bf10a)